You can choose to create different formats on Pinterest, including images or videos. Use this Pin spec guide for help with dimensions, file sizes and character limits. For help with ads, review our ad product specs.

Image backgrounds

Pinterest adds a faint colour layer to image Pins in the home feed with white or black backgrounds. This distinguishes the pins from the app background colour and helps to highlight links included in the Pin. 

This feature applies to all organic and paid image Pins and ad types, but does not apply to videos.

For Pins with a white or near white background:

  • Light mode: A faint black layer (#000000 at 4% opacity) is automatically applied on top of the creative.
  • Dark mode: No changes. 
  • For Pins with a black or near black background:

  • Light mode: No changes.
  • Dark mode: A faint white layer (#FFFFFF at 10% opacity) is automatically applied on top of creative.

    Image Pin specs
    File type BMP, .JPEG, .PNG, .TIFF, .WEBP
    Max file size

    Web: 20 MB maximum

    Android and iOS: 1 GB recommended

    Safe zones

    Put text and other elements within the dimensions below, so users can easily see on any device when viewing.

  • Top: 270 px
  • Left: 65 px
  • Right: 195 px
  • Bottom: 790 px
  • Title character count 100 characters max
    Textbox character count 250 characters max

    Enter up to 500 characters. Descriptions do not appear when viewing the Pin in the home feed or search feed. In addition, descriptions do not appear for ads when viewed up close.

    Descriptions are used by our algorithm to determine relevance for delivery. We recommend entering a description to help get your Pin or ad in front of the right audience.

    Video Pin specs
    File type

    Web: .MP4, .M4V

    Android and iOS: .MP4, .MOV, .M4V;

    Video encoding H.264 or H.265
    Video length

    Minimum 4 seconds, maximum 5 minutes

    Aspect ratio

    For full-bleed videos (or videos that take up the entire screen), we recommend using a 9:16 ratio or 1080x1920 pixel size.

    Other options include: 1:2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:5 or 1:1.

    Safe zones

    Put text and other elements within the dimensions below, so users can easily see on any device when viewing.

  • Top: 270 px
  • Left: 65 px
  • Right: 195 px
  • Bottom: 790 px
  • Title character count 100 characters max
    Textbox character count 250 characters max

    Enter up to 500 characters. Descriptions do not appear when viewing the Pin in the home feed or search feed. In addition, descriptions do not appear for ads when viewed up close.

    Descriptions are used by our algorithm to determine relevance for delivery. We recommend entering a description to help get your Pin in front of the right audience.

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