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We use unique error messages to let you know if something goes wrong in the bulk editor.

You'll receive a warning, marked with a 'W', if you have duplicated keywords. The upload will still be successful as long as there are no other errors, so this is more of a notification of duplicated keywords rather than an error, and you can still consider your upload a success: 

SUCCESS;W1622: Duplicate keywords found under the same parent entity. Please remove all duplicates. 

Look for the error message below for tips on how to update your bulk editor sheet.

Error message Suggested action
Error 12: An unknown error occurred whilst processing this row. Check your account to verify this action. This error occurs more commonly with large files. Try uploading again at a later time.
Error 1003: Pin ownership issue.  Check that all Pins are owned or attributed to your account. Any Pins created by another Pinterest user should be removed. 
Error 1559: Invalid UTC start date; start date should be before the end date and after today’s date. Make sure your start date is in the future and before your end date. Bear in mind that you will need to enter the date in UTC, which may not be your local time.
Error 1569: Invalid placement. Once you create an ad, you can't edit the placement. If you'd like to test additional placements, duplicate the existing campaign and update the placement.
Error 1619: Organic Pin promotion image, description or URL is missing. An image file, description and landing page URL are required to create a new Pin. Check to see if one of these is missing in the bulk editor sheet.
Error 1622: Duplicate keywords found under the same parent entity. Please remove all duplicates. If you have the same keywords and same match types within a single campaign or ad group, only the first instance of this will be created. You will need to remove the duplicates.
Error 2009: This row is missing information. A name or ID column must be filled in. If you're creating a campaign, add a campaign name. If you're editing a campaign or ad group, specify the campaign or ad group ID.
Error 2016: Unable to find a parent row. If this is a campaign keyword, the match type should start with CAMPAIGN, e.g. CAMPAIGN_NEGATIVE_PHRASE At the campaign level, you can only add negative keywords. Specify ‘CAMPAIGN_NEGATIVE_PHRASE’ or ‘CAMPAIGN_NEGATIVE_EXACT' to correct the match types.
Error 2017: Column has an invalid value – invalid entity ID. This usually means you're missing the prefix for an entity ID. Use ‘C’ to specify campaign, ‘AG’ to specify ad group, ‘KW’ to specify keyword, ‘P’ to specify an organic Pin ID, ‘PP’ to specify ad ID and ‘COL’ to specify a campaign order line.
Error 2017: ‘Interests’ column contains an invalid value. Make sure your list of interests is formatted properly. Refer to row 2 in the bulk editor sheet for guidance.
Error 2017: Invalid value – Pin could not be created. An image, Pin description and organic Pin URL must be provided. Make sure the image file name you upload matches the image file name set in your CSV. An image file, description and landing page URL are required to create a new Pin. Check to see if one of these is missing in the bulk editor sheet.
Error 2017: "Existing Pin ID" column contains an invalid value – Pin is not promotable. Make sure that the organic Pin you'd like to promote has a destination URL, is on a public or protected board, and is owned by you. Bear in mind that you can't promote Pins from secret boards.
Error 2017: Column 'Ads Status' has an invalid value – ‘ARCHIVED’. To archive an object, specify 'Archive' as the action to take in column A. You can't archive an object by changing its status.
Error 2017: Column 'Ads URL' has an invalid value – invalid URL provided. Edit your Ad URL to remove spaces or fix any incorrect formatting.
Error 2018: An error occurred. Upload again and retry We're experiencing an error on the back end. Try uploading the file at a later time. If you continue to experience issues, let us know.
Error 2019: There is an error in one of the parents. Fix those errors and upload this file again. If there's an error in one of the parent objects, we won't be able to create or update the objects nested within it. Address any error messages regarding the parent element and then try uploading again.
Error 2020: Column contains invalid characters. Only UTF-8 values are allowed. Excel may be reformatting your text. Try saving the file as a ‘CSV UTF-8’ file and then uploading the file again.
Error 2033: The row contains fields from multiple entities. Please include fields from only one entity: campaign, ad group Pin promotion or keyword. Check whether you've filled in columns that don’t belong to the object you’re trying to create or edit. Each row represents a different object (campaign, ad group, Pin or keyword) and the bulk sheet reflects a nested structure, with Pins and keywords under ad groups, and ad groups under campaigns. Make sure the columns you have filled in are applicable only to the object in the row you are creating.
Error 2038: This row was not processed. Make sure that you have an update on this row. This error appears when you've specified an ‘Edit’ or ‘Create’ action in column A, but haven’t filled in the columns to create anything, or made any edits in the existing workbook.
Error 2044: A keyword with the same value and match type already exists. Please re-download your sheet. Check whether any of the keywords and match types you're trying to add already exist in your current ad groups or campaigns.
Error 12: An unknown error occurred whilst processing this row. Check your account to verify this action. This error occurs more commonly with large files. Try uploading again at a later time.

Error 2784: Targeting template does not exist.

Confirm that the targeting profile ID matches what is shown in the campaign creation targeting template section. 
Error 2785: Targeting fields mismatch targeting template. Ensure all targeting template fields are empty when using a targeting template. 
Error 2886: Invalid targeting template ID. Confirm that the targeting profile ID matches what is shown in the campaign creation targeting template section and check that the targeting template belongs to the advertiser. 
Error 2888: Targeting template is not available for Catalogue sales objective. Clear the targeting template ID if you are using the Catalogue sales objective type.
Error 2894: Ad groups with targeting template set cannot change keywords. Clear the targeting template ID if you are modifying keywords.
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