Marketing mix modelling (MMM) is statistical analysis that breaks down sales and attributes them to online and offline marketing. 

With MMM reports in Ads Manager's Custom Reports tool, you can create and customise Pinterest media reports formatted for use in your MMM models.

There are two types of MMM reports that you can create to see custom views of your Pinterest media:

  • One-off MMM reports: Create a one-off MMM report if you have a specific use case and won’t need to reuse the same report later. You can run MMM reports across one or multiple accounts.
  • MMM report templates: Create a template to save MMM reports that you use frequently. To easily re-run MMM reports, you can schedule your report to run daily, weekly or monthly across one or multiple accounts, and be emailed to you or anyone else automatically.
  • Once you’ve created a report template or schedule, you can edit it on the custom reports page.

    Note: MMM reports provide aggregated media exposure data for use with your own conversion data and MMM models.

    Create and run a custom report

    Decide which type of MMM report you'd like to run (one-off report, report template with no schedule, or report template with a schedule). Then, create, run and schedule an MMM report.

    This type of MMM report will allow you to select which metrics you want to analyse, but won’t be saved as a template for later use.

    1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
    2. Click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
    3. Under Ads, click Custom reports
    4. Click Create new report at the top right of your screen
    5. Edit the fields in Report details
      1. Under Template, make sure that Custom is selected from the drop-down menu
      2. Add a Name for your report
      3. Under Visibility, select who you'd like to be able to see your report (Visible for me only: only you will be able to see the template; Visible for ad account: anyone with access to reporting for that ad account can see the template)
    6. In Report type, select MMM report
    7. Edit the fields in Data filters
      1. Level: Show data at the campaign or ad-group level 
      2. Country selection: Select the countries and aggregation level for your report
      3. Targeting breakdown: Choose how you want your report to be broken down by different targeting groups
    8. Edit the fields in Columns
      1. Search for a column by name in the search bar
      2. Find a column by clicking on the arrow forward icon to open a specific group
      3. Remove a column by clicking on the clear icon next to its name
      4. Reorder columns using drag and drop under Selected columns
    9. Edit the fields in Scheduling and timeframe
      1. Under Report frequency, select One-off only
    10. Select a Timeframe that you'd like to see reporting for
    11. Click Run report 

    When you click Run report, you'll land on your custom reports page. To see if your MMM report has completed successfully, check the All reports column on the right-hand side of the page.

    This type of report allows you to select which metrics you want to analyse in MMM reports and save them in a template, but won’t be scheduled to run on a recurring basis.

    1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
    2. Click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
    3. Under Ads, click Custom reports
    4. Click Create new report at the top right of your screen
    5. Edit the fields in Report details
      1. Under Template, make sure that Custom is selected from the drop-down menu
      2. Add a Name for your report
      3. Under Visibility, select who you'd like to be able to see your report (Visible for me only: only you will be able to see the template; Visible for ad account: anyone with access to reporting for that ad account can see the template)
    6. In Report type, select MMM report
    7. Edit the fields in Data filters
      1. Level: Show data at the campaign or ad-group level 
      2. Country selection: Select the countries and aggregation level for your report
      3. Targeting breakdown: Choose how you want your report to be broken down by different targeting groups
    8. Edit the fields in Columns
      1. Search for a column by name in the search bar
      2. Find a column by clicking on the chevron right icon to open a specific group
      3. Remove a column by clicking on the clear icon next to its name
      4. Reorder columns using drag and drop under Selected columns
    9. Edit the fields in Scheduling and timeframe
      1. Under Report frequency, select One-off only
      2. Select a Timeframe that you'd like to see reporting for
    10. Click Run and save

    When you click Run and save, you'll land on the custom reports page. To see your MMM report template, check the Templates column on the left-hand side of the page. To see if your MMM report has completed successfully, check the All reports column on the right-hand side of the page.

    This type of MMM report allows you to select which metrics you want to analyse, save them in a template and schedule when you’d like the MMM report to run and be emailed to you or anyone else.

    Note that all reporting is in UTC, not in local time. This is also true for delivery of scheduled reports. Depending on your time zone, you may see your scheduled report run in the evening, when the new UTC day begins.

    1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
    2. Click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
    3. Under Ads, click Custom reports
    4. Click Create new report at the top right of your screen
    5. Edit the fields in Report details
      1. Under Template, make sure that Custom is selected from the drop-down menu
      2. Add a Name for your report
      3. Under Visibility, select who you'd like to be able to see your report (Visible for me only: only you will be able to see the template; Visible for ad account: anyone with access to reporting for that ad account can see the template)
    6. In Report type, select MMM report
    7. Edit the fields in Data filters
      1. Level: Show data at the campaign or ad-group level 
      2. Country selection: Select the countries and aggregation level for your report
      3. Targeting breakdown: Choose how you want your report to be broken down by different targeting groups
    8. Edit the fields in Columns
      1. Search for a column by name in the search bar
      2. Find a column by clicking on the chevron right icon to open a specific group
      3. Remove a column by clicking on the clear icon next to its name
      4. Reorder columns using drag and drop under Selected columns
    9. Edit the fields in Scheduling and timeframe
      1. Under Report frequency select if you want the report to run Daily, Weekly or Monthly (monthly reports will be delivered on the 1st of each month)
      2. Select a Timeframe that you'd like to see reporting for
      3. Under Send to, add the email address(es) you’d like the MMM report to be automatically sent to
    10. Click Run and Save 

    When you click Run and save, you'll land on the custom reports page. To see your MMM report template and its schedule, check the Templates column on the left-hand side of the page. Templates with a calendar icon have an associated schedule. To see if your MMM report has completed successfully, check the All reports column on the right-hand side of the page.

    Edit a custom report

    Edit MMM report templates and schedules after they’ve been set up. Learn how to edit an existing MMM report template, edit an existing schedule, add a schedule to an existing MMM report template, edit email recipients for an existing scheduled MMM report template, or copy and update an existing MMM report template.


    1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
    2. Click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
    3. Under Ads, click Custom reports
    4. Under Templates, click on the MMM template that you want to edit, or click Create new report and select the MMM template that you want to edit from the Template drop-down
    5. Edit your MMM template
    6. Click Run and save
    7. You’ll see a prompt asking if you’re sure you want to overwrite your template, then click Save

    When you click Run and save, you'll land on the custom reports page. To see a list of your current MMM report templates, look at the Templates column on the left-hand side of the page. To see if your MMM report has completed successfully, check the All reports column on the right-hand side of the page.

    Note that all reporting is in UTC, not in local time. This is also true for delivery of scheduled reports. Depending on your time zone, you may see your scheduled report run in the evening, when the new UTC day begins.

    1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
    2. Click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
    3. Under Ads, click Custom reports
    4. Under Templates, hover over the MMM template that you want to update
    5. Click the calendar icon or click directly into the template
    6. Under Report frequency, select if you want the report to run Daily, Weekly or Monthly (monthly reports will be delivered on the 1st of each month)
    7. Click Save schedule to update your report

    When you click Save schedule, you'll land on the custom reports page. To see a list of your current MMM report templates and schedules, look at the Templates column on the left-hand side of the page. Templates with a calendar icon have an associated schedule.

    1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
    2. Click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
    3. Under Ads, click Custom reports
    4. Under Templates, hover over the MMM template that you want to update
    5. Click the calendar icon or click directly into the template
    6. Under Send to, update the email address(es) you’d like the report to be sent to automatically
    7. Click Save schedule to update your report

    When you click Save schedule, you'll land on the custom reports page. To see a list of your current MMM report templates and schedules, look at the Templates column on the left-hand side of the page. Templates with a calendar icon have an associated schedule.

    1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
    2. Click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
    3. Under Ads, click Custom Reports
    4. Under Templates, click on the MMM template that you want to copy, or click Create new report and select the template that you want to copy from the Template drop-down
    5. Edit your template
    6. Click Run and save

    When you click Run and save, you'll land on the custom reports page. To see a list of your current report templates, look at the Templates column on the left-hand side of the page. To see if your report has successfully completed, check the All reports column on the right-hand side of the page.

    Review an MMM report

    Review your MMM reports page to see all of your existing report templates, schedules, and in-progress and processed reports.


    The custom reports page is where you can view all of your report templates, schedules, and in-progress and processed reports, including MMM reports.

    1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
    2. Click on the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen
    3. Under Ads, click Custom reports

    There are two main columns on the custom reports page: Templates and All reports.

    Under Templates, you can:

    • See the report templates and schedules you’ve created
    • See who a report is visible to by hovering over the person icon
    • Edit or copy a report template
    • Edit a schedule
    • Add a schedule to a report template
    • Add, edit or remove email recipients from a scheduled report template
    • Delete a template by clicking the bin icon

    Under All reports, you can:

    • See the real-time status of reports you’ve created
    • Download a completed report
    • Cancel a report while it’s processing
    • Re-run a cancelled or failed report

    Reports are stored on your custom reports page under All reports for three days after creation. You can store a maximum of 30 reports at one time. Each user in your ad account can create a maximum of 20 templates. Note that any reports created from your reporting table won't be available on your custom reports page. Learn how to export reports from your reporting table.

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