Resilience is the status of a Conversions API setup that allows for the highest level of signal matching and attribution. This additional data will help us to provide more accurate reporting as ad industry policies change and evolve.

Signal matching helps you to deliver your ads to those who are more likely to take the action you care about, and attribute those actions back to your ads. Good resiliency means that events are more likely to match to a Pinterest account, which can help you to see more conversions and lower your cost per result.

We recommend that you pass as many resilient signals as you can (IP, email, external ID, Click ID, MAID) to ensure strong performance. When you pass these resilient signals, you may see stronger match rates which can lead to higher attribution rates and more attributed conversions.

How we calculate resilience status

There are two categories of resilience status: Good and Poor. Your resilience status is visible in the Conversion Health section of Ads Manager.

We calculate resilience status using a number of factors:

  • What customer parameters are being received 
  • The volume and quality of those parameters which are used for matching.
  • The percentage of events receiving the parameters
  • The event parity overlap with the Pinterest Tag and how well you are deduplicating between event sources (where applicable).
  • Any setup that does not achieve “good” resilience based on the above is considered Poor.

    How to access and view your resilience status

    To view your current resilience status:

  • Log in to your Pinterest business account
  • Click Ads in the top menu and choose Conversions
  • Select Conversion Health from the left-hand navigation.
  • Your resilience status is indicated in the top right-hand corner.
  • Resilience requirements and recommendations

    Below are common requirements you may see associated with achieving resilience. We have outlined the recommendations to address these requirements to improve your status. If you work with a third-party CAPI partner or a mobile measurement partner (MMP), please check with them on how to implement the recommendations:

    Requirement Recommendation to improve your resilience status
    Conversions API includes all tag events (event parity) Check that all tag events are also being passed through the Conversions API. Confirm that event ID is present for both Conversions API and tag to deduplicate events properly. Learn more about event coverage and deduplication.
    Lower funnel events are sending email or MAID user data

    Increase the coverage for email or MAID to at least 10% on lower-funnel events (Checkout, AddtoCart, Sign-up and Lead). 

    For email, SHA256 hashes of lowercase versions of user's email addresses are required for matching.

    For MAID, SHA256 hashes of user's "Google Advertising IDs" (GAIDs) or "Apple's Identifier for Advertisers" (IDFAs) are required for matching.

    We highly recommend these where possible on checkout events at least, as it may help to improve reporting performance such as ROAS/CPA. Learn more about sending an event.

    All events are sending IP and UA user data

    Increase the coverage of IP and UA to at least 10%, as it may help to improve reporting performance such as ROAS/CPA.

    IP is the user's IP address, which can be either in IPv4 or IPv6 format. UA is the user agent string of the user's web browser.  

    Learn more about sending an event.

    All events are sending External ID

    Increase the coverage for External ID to at least 10%.

    External ID is a string that represents a user on a browser or advertiser’s system. You can send one or more external IDs for given events and we will use it to match to a Pinterest user. Learn more about External ID.

    Improve your resilience status

    If you are experiencing issues with achieving “Good” resiliency, consider prioritising the below parameters. When possible, we recommend sending as many/all of the below:

    CAPI IDs/signals Definition Weights/Rank
    client_ip_address + client_user_agent IP address + user agent High
    em Email High
    external_id External ID High
    hashed_maid Mobile ad ID High
    click_id Click ID High
    fn + ln First name + last name Low
    ph Phone number Low
    ge, bd, ct, st, zp, country
    Gender, date of birth, town/city, county, postcode, country

    Note: Weights/rank are based on probability of increasing match rate.

    How to pass Click ID

    When a Pinner clicks an ad, Pinterest appends a unique click ID to the landing page URL. The URL parameter for click ID is named “epik”. Advertisers should save the value of the epik URL parameter in a 1P cookie and pass it along with subsequent CAPI events.

    Example URL:…

  • If you have a Pinterest tag installed and _epik cookie is no longer in the URL, you can find the click id from _epik 1p cookie 
  • If you don’t have the Pinterest tag, you can use &_epik from URL, write this _epik in your 1st-party cookies and pass this together with subsequent events happened on your website after user landing your page
  • For more information, take a look at our developer documentation.

    How to pass External ID

    External ID is a string that represents a user on a browser or advertiser’s system. You can send one or more external IDs for given events and we will use it to match to a Pinterest user.

    External IDs can be sent via multiple channels, including the Pinterest Tag and Conversions API. It is important that you be consistent across channels. For example, if you send a Pinterest Tag event with external_id set to 1234, your Conversions API event for that same user should also have external_id set to 1234.

    We recommend passing pre-auth id together with post-auth id in external ID fields (e.g External ID field : ['external_id_1', 'extneral_id_2'])

  • Pass pre-auth id across all events 
  • Pass advertisers’ owned IDs after user logged in, e.g user ID, membership ID

    Situation External ID How can advertisers find it
    Unauth (user hasn’t logged in) Session ID, Client ID  This information is usually generated by your e-commerce platform and can be found within it. In case you are not using an e-commerce platform, you can generate a unique string when a customer visits your website and store it in a cookie to pass into events.
    Auth (user logged in) User ID, Membership ID, Loyalty ID, Subscription ID  This information is usually kept in your CRM system and is generally logged when a user signs in to your website

    For more details, please see our developer docs.



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