Pinterest isn’t a place for pornography. We limit the distribution of or remove mature and explicit content, including things like fetish imagery, images of nudity with pornographic intent, vivid sexual descriptions and graphic depictions of sexual activity. 

We do our best to differentiate between pornography and other content that could involve some nudity. For example, art, safe sex education or advocacy and political protests could be legitimate reasons for saving nudity and other mature content on Pinterest, but context and intent matter. You can also save content on topics like sexual health, breastfeeding, and mastectomies.

If you see a sexually explicit Pin that you think violates our Community guidelines, you can:

  • Report the Pin
  • Report the board
  • Report the account 
  • Block the account to keep them from following you or interacting with your Pins
  • You can learn more about what's allowed on Pinterest in our Community guidelines.

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