Pinterest isn’t a place for content that displays, rationalizes or encourages suicide, self-injury, eating disorders or substance abuse. We’ll limit the distribution of or remove content including self-harm instructions, suicidal thinking and quotes, graphic or otherwise triggering imagery or descriptions of self-harm, promotion of self-harm, mocking of people who self-harm or who have attempted or died by suicide, images of accessories used to self-harm, negative self-talk and insensitive humor about self-harming behavior, suicide pacts, challenges and hoaxes.

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or is considering hurting themselves, we have resources listed below where you can get free, confidential and immediate support.

Country Resource
International Befrienders Worldwide
North America
Country Resource
United States National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
United States To Write Love on Her Arms
United States The Trevor Project
United States National Alliance for Eating Disorders
United States Your Life Your Voice
United States and Canada Trans Lifeline
Canada 9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline
Canada Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention
Canada National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline
Latin America
Country Resource
Argentina Centro de Asistencia al Suicida
Brazil Ligue para o Centro de Valorização da Vida (CVV)
Chile Salud Responde
Colombia Fundación Sergio Urrego
Mexico Voz pro Salud Mental
Country Resource
Belgium (French) Centre de prévention du Suicide
Belgium (Dutch) Centrum Ter Preventie Van Zelfdoding
France Le 3114
France Suicide Ecoute
Germany KrisenKompass app
Germany Telefonseelsorge
Ireland Pieta House
Italy Telefono Amico
Luxembourg SOS Détresse - Hëllef iwwer Telefon
Netherlands 113 Zelfmoordpreventie
Portugal Voz de Apoio
Spain El Télefono de la Esperanza
Sweden Mind
Switzerland Pro Juventute
Switzerland (German) Die Dargebotene Hand
Switzerland (French) La Main Tendue
Switzerland (Italian) Telefono Amico
United Kingdom Samaritans
United Kingdom Shout 85258 - Free Mental Health Text Support
United Kingdom National Domestic Violence Helpline
Asia and Australia
Country Resource
Australia Lifeline
Australia Headspace
Japan よりそいホットライン
Singapore SOS (Samaritans of Singapore)
Thailand Mental Health Helpline 1323
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