Parent and child account hierarchies
Business Manager gives businesses the option to create parent and child account hierarchies to help manage complex organizational structures. You can edit partner and employee access and user permissions for all of your child businesses from your dashboard. Once you’ve created a parent account, you can then add additional child businesses.
Create a parent account:
Login to your Pinterest business account.Click
in the top-left corner of your screen.Under Business, select Business Manager.Click the Edit details button on the right hand side. Click the Create business hierarchy button, which will allow you to create a new parent account. Select a name for your new hierarchy. The account you are using will be added to your new hierarchy as a child account.
Organization Managers in Business Manager
You are required to add at least one Organization Manager to your account, who will act as an administrator across all child accounts.
Organization managers are users who are granted access to view the hierarchy and all child accounts. They will be able to make changes, manage assets, and view reporting across all child accounts within a hierarchy.
In a parent/child account hierarchy, each parent account needs to have at least one Organization Manager. Users cannot take any actions or have visibility to the other child accounts, unless they are granted permissions to those accounts or added as Organization managers.
Assign an Organization Manager:
Login to your Pinterest business account.Click
in the top-left corner of your screen.Under Business, select Business Manager.Click Managers from the left-hand sidebar.Click Invite managers from the middle column.Enter the username of employees you’d like to grant managers access.Click Invite.Invitations will be sent to these employees and they can accept or decline the new role.
Child accounts
Businesses should only add child accounts that they own. If your client owns their own account and assets, their account should remain independent of your parent/child account structure.
Child accounts retain all of their existing ad accounts, partners, and employees. Adding businesses as child accounts won’t change their permissions or allow them to view details for the other child businesses unless they have already been granted access.
Create a child account:
Login to your Pinterest business account.Click
in the top-left corner of your screen.Under Business, select Business Manager.Click the Business hierarchy tab on the left-hand side of the screenClick the Add business button Type in the Business IDs you would like to add to your hierarchy, and click Invite. You can add up to 20 businesses at one time.
Approve or reject a business hierarchy request
If you are invited to join a parent hierarchy, you will receive an email and a notification in your Business Manager.
Click on the notification to review the request. You’ll see the email address and name of the business that invited you to join their account. If you would like to accept the invitation, Check the box to confirm that your business can be managed by the parent business.Click Approve.
Switch between accounts/Manage multiple accounts
You can use Business Manager to navigate between the various business accounts, ad accounts, and profiles you own and have access to.
Click the dropdown in Business Manager to view all of your Business accounts. Click the business accounts you wish to manage. You can then navigate directly to profiles and accounts.