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Enhanced match is an optional addition to your Pinterest tag that matches conversion data with the person responsible for the conversion. Enhanced match sends hashed email addresses to Pinterest to match site events when there’s no Pinterest cookie present. It also lets you track cross-device checkouts, which cannot be done otherwise. As a result, you can accurately see conversions reported in Ads Manager.

Enable enhanced match
  • Log in to your Pinterest business account
  • Click  the view-type-list icon  at the top-left of the page
  • Under Business, click Conversions
  • Click Conversion health at the left-side of your screen
  • Click Available features
  • Click Select this feature next to the enhanced match option. 
  • To enable enhanced match, modify your Pinterest tag base code to include the em parameter in the pintrk() load function. You do not have to modify any of your event codes. The JavaScript base code becomes:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    !function(e){if(!window.pintrk){window.pintrk=function(){window.pintrk.queue.push(};var n=window.pintrk;n.queue=[],n.version="3.0";var t=document.createElement("script");t.async=!0,t.src=e;var r=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.parentNode.insertBefore(t,r)}}("");
    pintrk('load','<YOUR_TAG_ID>', {
    em: '<EMAIL_ADDRESS>',

    Replace YOUR_TAG_ID and EMAIL_ADDRESS with your specific information.

    To protect user privacy, the email address passed to the pintrk command will be hashed before it’s sent to Pinterest. JavaScript’s em parameter will accept both hashed and un-hashed email addresses. We handle detection to ensure security and proper storage.

    You have to format and hash <email_address> using the SHA-256, SHA-1 or MD5 algorithm. <email_address> needs to be lowercase and have all spaces removed.

    The formatted and hashed <email_address> has to be added to every Pinterest tag <img> tag URL on your website using the &pd[em]=<hashed_email_address> parameter. This parameter has to be added to both the base code and the event code <img> tags.

    <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt=""
    src="<YOUR_TAG_ID>&event=<EVENT_NAME>&pd[em]=<hashed_email_address>&noscript=1" />

    Replace YOUR_TAG_ID, EVENT_NAME and hashed_email_address with corresponding values or variables on your website.

    An external ID is a unique ID that you use to identify a single user. You can send external IDs alongside your conversions.

    Input external_id into partnerdata, either on tag load or using set:

    pintrk(“load”, “<YOUR_TAG_ID>”, {“external_id”: “<value>”});
    pintrk(“track”, “<EVENT_TYPE_NAME>”);
    pintrk(“set”, {“external_id”: “<value>”});
    pintrk(“track”, “<EVENT_TYPE_NAME>”);

    Replace YOUR_TAG_ID and VALUE with external IDs, featuring your specific information.


    For privacy reasons, our JavaScript tag will hash any un-hashed <email_address> in the browser using SHA-256 before sending them to Pinterest. The hashing process turns the value into a short text string that cannot be read by humans.

    Pinterest also uses the secure HTTPS connection protocol standard to encrypt any data the tag transmits from a browser to our servers.

    If a partner is using the <img> portion of our tag, then they will need to hash the <email_address> prior to passing it to the tag.

    Our <img> tag should not be used with an un-hashed <email_address>, but we will not use or store un-hashed values sent through an <img> tag.

    Pinterest allows partners to pass un-hashed <email_address> through our Pinterest JavaScript tag only. If our JavaScript tag detects an un-hashed <email_address>, the JavaScript will hash it before transmitting it to Pinterest. We do not store unhashed values.

    If you use our <img> tag, you will need to hash the <email_address> value using SHA-256, SHA-1 or MD5 before passing it to the tag.

    Once the tag transmits <email_address> to the Pinterest server, Pinterest checks to see if it’s associated with an existing Pinterest account for the purpose of matching.

    We delete the <email_address> value after we complete the matching process.

    A matched hashed email address will only be used to match conversions to Pinterest activity.

    What's next?

    Verify the Pinterest tag to make sure everything is working correctly.

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