Install the Pinterest for Salesforce Commerce Cloud app to promote products that you’re already selling on Salesforce Commerce Cloud and measure the results of the actions people take on your website. The Pinterest for Salesforce Commerce Cloud app also allows businesses to enable conversion tracking (Pinterest’s Conversions API), and product catalog uploads and updates with a single integration.

Below, you’ll find out how to integrate the Pinterest cartridge into the Salesforce B2C Commerce. The cartridge is designed for rapid installation and requires minimal configuration. There are options for further customization.

The Pinterest cartridge supports the following:

  • Claiming your domains
  • Integrating our client side conversion tracking (aka JavaScript tag)
  • Integrating our server side conversion tracking (aka API4c)
  • Uploading and keeping your product catalog in sync
  • Your catalog will be updated daily and some attribute updates (like stock and price) will be sent in real-time after the Pins are ingested. Additionally, you’ll be able to track Pinterest conversions as the app provides a frontend JavaScript tracking code, as well as backend conversion API tracking for more accurate conversion data.

    Before you get started

    The app is designed to only work with Pinterest business accounts and cannot be used with a personal Pinterest account or an account that has been set up via Pinterest’s Business Access feature. If you haven’t already, make sure you do the following:

  • Create a Pinterest business account
  • Create an advertiser account
  • For additional information, review the installation guide (under Resources & Documentation).

    1. Upload the Pinterest cartridge to your environment
      • For Sandboxes, you can use VSCode with the Prophet extension
    2. Click Administration at the top of the page, then Sites, followed by Manage Sites
    3. Select your site, then click Settings
    4. Add the cartridge (“int_pinterest_sfra”) to each site’s cartridge path to the left of app_storefront_base
      • Use a colon to separate the cartridge from existing cartridges in the path
    5. Repeat step 2, then select Business Manager, followed by Settings
    6. Add the cartridge (“bm_pinterest”) to the Business Manager Site cartridge path to the left of bm_app_storefront_base
      • Use a colon to separate the cartridge from existing cartridges in the path
    7. Click Administration at the top of the page, followed by Site Development
    8. Select Code Deployment, then toggle code versions
    9. Repeat step 7, then select Site Import and Export
    10. Upload the zip file located in the metadata folder called and click Import
    11. Click Administration at the top of the page, then Organization, followed by Roles & Permissions
    12. Select Administrator, then Business Manager Modules
    13. Add Business Manager Modules permissions for Manage App Connection and Domain Verification to the appropriate organization roles
    14. Click Merchant Tools at the top of the page, then Site Preferences, followed by Custom Preferences
    15. Configure the site preferences
      • Default values will work in most cases
    16. Click Merchant Tools at the top of the page, then Pinterest, followed by View App Connection
    17. Click Connect to connect the site to your Pinterest app

    The JavaScript in this cartridge is contained within a script tag in a template file and static JavaScript files. You do not need to compile JavaScript.

    You’ll need to generate credentials so Pinterest can fetch your product data. There are two options:

    • Create a new Account Manager User: This has to be a real email that you have access to so you can set up two-factor authentication. Once created, assign the role of Business Manager User under eCommerce Platform in Account Manager. Then, you’ll need to define the scope for the role and assign the instances that this user will need to have access to. 
    • Use your own account: This option suits non-production instances.

    Once you’ve identified the user, follow the steps below:

    1. Log in to the instance you’re configuring
    2. If you’re not already on the profile page, click the gray profile picture at the top-right corner
    3. Click Manage Access Keys
    4. Click Generate Access Key
    5. Select WebDAV File Access and UX Studio
    6. Click Generate

    Your email will be the pinterestWebDAVUser and the access key generated is your pinterestWebDAVPassword that you’ll need to save for future use.

    After importing the metadata outlined in the previous section, you now have a new role that you’ll have to assign to the user. If you’re an admin, you can self-assign the role to your user. If you created a new account, you’ll need an admin to assign you the role.

    • Click Merchant Tools at the top of the page
    • Click Site Preferences
    • Click Custom Preferences
    • Click Pinterest Configurations
    • Configure the following site preferences:
    Name ID Description
    Pinterest Enabled Conversion
    Clientside Calls
    pinterestEnabledConversionClientsideCalls Flag for sending clientside conversion calls. This
    disables the clientside JS library. Default is true.
    Pinterest Enabled Conversion
    Serverside Calls
    pinterestEnabledConversionServersideCalls Flag for sending serverside conversion calls. Default
    is true.
    Pinterest Enabled GDPR pinterestEnabledGDPR Flag for enabling GDPR check. Default is False. Once
    this is enabled user consent is checked through SFCC inbuilt session.privacyCache.get('consent') value.
    Pinterest Enabled Realtime Catalog Calls pinterestEnabledRealtimeCatalogCalls Flag for allowing catalog inventory update calls to
    happen when an order is placed. Default is true.
    Pinterest App ID pinterestAppID These values should not be changed to anything
    besides 1484575 or 1484576. Before considering
    changing to anything else please reach out to
    Pinterest. Production value is 1484575 and all other
    environments are 1484576. These are not unique
    to your site. Default is 1484575.
    Pinterest WebDAV User pinterestWebDAVUser User the Pinterest API will use to connect to this
    environment to pull the XML catalog feeds from.
    Pinterest WebDAV Password pinterestWebDAVPassword Password the Pinterest API will use to connect to
    this environment to pull the XML catalog feeds from.
    Pinterest API Test Mode Enabled pinterestAPITestModeEnabled Enable Test Mode when interacting with Pinterest
    API. This only affects server side conversion event
    handlers. Default is false.
    Pinterest Catalog Feed Product Image Size pinterestCatalogFeedProductImageSize Selects what product image size group to use in the
    catalog feed. The max product image size for the
    Pinterest catalog feed is an area of 89478485 pixels,
    or 9450 width x 9450 height. Defaults to 'large'.
    Pinterest Refresh Token Expiration Buffer Seconds pinterestRefreshTokenExpirationBufferSeconds How many seconds before an API refresh token
    expires should it be refreshed. Default is 7 days
    (604,800 seconds).
    Pinterest Integration Base URL pinterestIntegrationBaseURL Used for integration iframes in Business Manager. Default is
    1. Select the site you want to set up
    2. Click Merchant Tools at the top of the screen
    3. Select Pinterest
    4. Click Manage App Connection
    5. Click Connect
    6. Follow the prompts in the popup window

    Once completed, you’ll be directed to a connection status page.

    If you need help with the Pinterest for Salesforce Commerce Cloud app, please contact your Account Manager or contact our support team. If you need help with your Salesforce Commerce Cloud store, contact the Salesforce Commerce Cloud support team.

    What's next?
  • Create ads on Pinterest
  • Measure your reach using Ads Manager reporting
  • End of Other articles Links
    Still need help? Contact us
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