Pinterestbot is Pinterest’s web crawler. Pinterestbot crawls, or visits public websites to index their content, with the aim of driving traffic back to those websites. It also scrapes content to make sure Pin details, like price and title, are up to date, and to detect and remove broken website links behind Pins.
Pinterestbot will respect all requests to stop or limit crawling. You can
Pinterestbot has two main functions; crawling and scraping content.
Pinterestbot crawls websites to index content onto Pinterest, so people can find it.
When Pinterestbot crawls products, it collects details like the image, title, description, price and availability so these details appear on Pins and map back to the associated website. This can help drive increased organic traffic, sales and conversions to your website, with little effort required from you.
When Pinterestbot crawls articles, only a preview of the article will be displayed on Pins to encourage people to click through to the associated website to read more. This can help drive increased organic traffic to your website, with little effort required from you.
We do not use content crawled by Pinterestbot to train our image generation foundation model, Pinterest Canvas.
When people create Pins on Pinterest, Pinterestbot scrapes the pages behind these Pins to maintain Pin metadata. This involves collecting information about products and articles, and making sure that details associated with Pins are up to date. This enables Pinterest to provide better recommendations, and display useful and accurate information.
Pinterestbot also scrapes websites to detect and remove broken website links behind Pins. In order to provide the highest quality content, and avoid broken links, Pinterestbot identifies the data on the pages behind the Pins. This enables Pinterestbot to fight spam.
When Pinterestbot visits your website, it will send a valid Pinterest user agent and connect from a network operated by us.
Pinterestbot respects robots.txt and is configured to rate limit concurrent requests made to your site. Do not hard code these IP addresses in your site configuration, because the addresses that Pinterestbot uses can change without notice.
Our user agent is:
Pinterest/0.2 (+
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Pinterestbot/1.0; +
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Pinterestbot/1.0; +
Our IP is dynamic and changes frequently, but will be in the range of to
Pinterestbot primarily crawls with US-based IP addresses. Pinterestbot may also crawl with IP addresses based outside the US to support localized data.
US-based IP addresses are always in the range of 54.236.1.XXX.
For non US-based IP addresses, there’s no fixed range. If you're concerned that people are accessing your site while pretending to be Pinterestbot, verify its authenticity by following the steps in the next section, rather than relying on an IP range check.
If you receive a consistent volume of traffic from a client sending a valid Pinterest user agent but it does not pass the above DNS test, please
To modify the behavior of Pinterestbot, you'll need to update your site's robots.txt file. Make sure to place the robots.txt file on your main domain, because we do not support robots.txt files on subdomains.
Large crawl delays impact the distribution and recommendation of your content on Pinterest. Therefore, we honor delays of up to 1 and will treat any larger values as 1. If you need a larger crawl delay,
user-agent: Pinterestbot
Crawl-delay: 0.2
user-agent: Pinterestbot
disallow: /
user-agent: Pinterestbot
disallow: /directory1/
user-agent: Pinterestbot
disallow: /directory1/
allow: /directory1/subdirectory1/
user-agent: Pinterestbot
disallow: /directory1/
allow: /directory1/subdirectory1/
crawl-delay: 0.2