
The Pinterest Conversions API enables advertisers to send conversions directly to Pinterest via a server-to-server connection. Conversions captured with the Pinterest API can then be used for campaign optimization, targeting and conversion reporting for improved conversion visibility. Server events behave similarly to other solutions such as the Pinterest Tag and Mobile Measurement Partners.

Through the Pinterest Conversions API, advertisers can send:

  • Web conversions
  • In-App Conversions
  • In-Store/Offline Conversions
  • Integration methods

    Pinterest allows you to send conversion data via two different methods:

  • Third Party Partner integration: If you are already working with one of Pinterest’s partner platforms you may be able to set up the Conversions API through a partner integration. Learn more about our partner integrations.
  • Direct integration: For the most control over your integration process, we recommend building a direct integration with the Pinterest Conversions API. This requires developer-involvement. More details can be found in our development docs
  • The timeline for setting up the Conversions API depends on which approach you take. It can take as little as a few hours to a few weeks depending on how you decide to integrate. Learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of each set up option.

    Onboarding Overview

    Follow these below steps to onboard onto the Conversions API.

    Direct Integrations
  • Gain access to the Conversions API. 
  • Once you have your Conversions API Token, you’ll want to share the onboarding steps with your developer team. Full technical details can be found within our developer docs.
  • Ensure you are passing appropriate parameters to make your integration a success. For a full list of required and recommended parameters see our developer documentation.
  • Ensure data is being passed in real time (<1 hour) to enable real time optimization, attribution, and measurement.
  • If you are already utilizing the Pinterest Tag or an MMP, ensure you are deduplicating events by passing the event_id parameter. Learn more in our developer documentation.
  • Validate events are successfully being passed though via Events Manager.
    1. Test Events: the developer setting up your API integration can review the response codes returned with each request sent back after a conversion fires by firing a test event. Learn more about test events.
    2. Deduplication Page on Ads Manager: post-deduplicated conversions will appear on the Deduplication Page on Ads Manager. Learn more about deduplication.
    3. Resilience: ensure you are passing data in a way that will set you up for “Good” resilience. Learn more about resiliency.
  • Partner Integrations
  • Decide which partner integration is right for your business. Learn more about possible third-party integrations.
  • Ensure you are passing appropriate parameters to make your integration a success. For a full list of required and recommended parameters see our developer documentation.
  • Ensure data is being passed in real time (<1 hour) to enable real time optimization, attribution, and measurement.
  • If you are already utilizing the Pinterest Tag or an MMP, ensure you are deduplicating events by passing the appropriate parameters. Learn more in our developer documentation.
  • Validate events are successfully being passed though via Events Manager. 
    1. Deduplication Page on Ads Manager: post-deduplicated conversions will appear on the Deduplication Page on Ads Manager. Learn more about deduplication.
    2. Resilience: ensure you are passing data in a way that will set you up for “Good” resilience. Learn more about resiliency.
  • The Pinterest API

    The Pinterest Conversions API is one of several products that live within our Pinterest API ecosystem. Anyone with a Pinterest Business account will be able to use the Pinterest Conversions API, but this does not automatically grant access to the wider Pinterest API. 

    While part of the Pinterest API, the Conversions API does not require an application or a valid app ID. You can start using the POST send conversions endpoint so long as you have a Pinterest Business Account and have generated a token through the Conversions page in Ads Manager.

    The Pinterest Developer Platform has information on all of Pinterest’s API products.

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