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Create a conversions campaign to drive people to take actions on your website. Conversions campaigns can be used with checkout, sign-up, lead or addtobasket events. Choose what kind of conversions you’d like to drive, enter your target average cost per action (CPA) and budget, and we'll optimise your spend accordingly.

Note: It can take up to 48 hours for a conversions campaign to start running.

Learning mode

When you create a Conversions campaign, we show the ads to different types of people to learn who is most likely to convert. This initial process is called the Learning mode. During this phase, your campaign may experience some performance fluctuations.

Once Learning Mode has been completed and we have enough data, we will show your ads to the people most likely to convert. At this point, your campaign’s performance should stabilise and you can make changes. If you make changes to your conversions campaign while it’s in Learning Mode, it might reset and take longer.

For an optimised campaign, we suggest that you do not make more than two rounds of changes per week. Allow three to five days for the campaign to recalibrate, learn and adjust after each change so that we can deliver the best results. You’ll get a better idea of true campaign performance if you assess weekly or monthly rather than daily.

Create a Conversions campaign
  1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
  2. Click on the collapsed menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the page
  3. Under Ads, click Create campaign
  4. Click Manual campaign, then Get started
  5. Below Choose a campaign objective, click Conversions
  6. Below Set up a campaign objective, click Set a goal
  7. Set a campaign objective, a goal value and an attribution window, then click Save
  8. Click Continue to set up your ad group
  9. Finish entering your ad group details, then click Publish
  1. Log in to your Pinterest business account
  2. Click on the collapsed menu icon in the top left-hand corner of the page
  3. Under Ads, click Bulk Editor
  4. Click Download sample sheet to download a sample spreadsheet
  5. Format the Bulk Editor sheet and fill in the specific following fields:
    • Campaign objective
    • Goal Value
    • Conversion Tag ID
    • Conversion Event
    • Click Window Days
    • Engagement Window Days
    • View Window Days
  6. Once complete, click Upload template in the left-hand side navigation to upload your Bulk Editor sheet
  7. Click Choose files and select your Bulk Editor sheet
  8. Click Upload

It looks as though you're reading this on a mobile device. At the moment, you'll need to use your desktop to create a conversions campaign. You can see those instructions by tapping Web above.

It looks as though you're reading this on a mobile device. At the moment, you'll need to use your desktop to create a conversions campaign. You can see those instructions by tapping Web above.

Conversion window

Conversion windows let you tell us what conversion data to use when delivering ads to people on Pinterest.

Attribution windows let you tell us which conversions you value to achieve your business objectives.

Both conversion windows and attribution windows are expressed using a lookback window (time from a conversion event to an ad event) as well as ad engagement type (post-click, post-engagement or post-view). The lookback windows are 30 days, 7 days and 1 day.

When deciding the right windows to use, bear in mind:

  • Your business' purchase cycle: Typically lower-priced (or staple) products are purchased more quickly than higher-priced (or durable/luxury) items. If your product has a long purchase consideration period, it's especially important to choose a longer window.
  • Align with measurement attribution windows: We recommend aligning your conversion and attribution windows as closely as possible. If you've already chosen an attribution window that works for your business and we do not offer a matching conversion window, choose the one that is the closest.
  • How people use Pinterest: Although some people log in every day or even multiple times per day, Pinterest usage patterns are generally deeper and less frequent than social and messaging platforms. Viewing content is also more common than clicking on content so valuing views is tied to scalability.
  • Conversion volume: Make sure your conversion window provides sufficient optimisation events to be effective. Typically we see that 50-200 conversions per week are sufficient for our delivery system to learn who it's best to show your ads to.
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